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Winzerfamilie DD Haider


0° / 5°

7 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Fridaypartly cloudy

    -1° / 5°

  • Saturdaypartly cloudy

    -1° / 4°

  • Sundaypartly cloudy

    -1° / 5°

You will be able to completely relax in our newly built holiday home in the heart of Jois. We offer you newly furbished rooms with toilet/shower, cable TV and radio, wonderful atmosphere, a breakfast room flooded by sunlight (free WLAN), a cozy courtyard to relax in as well as wine tasting and insights into our wine production. For our little ones there is a big toy house, a trampoline, various pedal cars and ample space for running around.

Travel arrangements

Check-In: from 1pm / Check-Out: until 10am

Additional information

Apartments exclude local tax
Inclusive member of Burgenland Card

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