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Nachtwächter-Erlebnis "Fertömeggyes"

03.05. - 04.10.2024

An evening tour with the night watchman in historical costume through the romantic and impressive courtyard alleys of Mörbisch. Learn interesting facts about the development of the town, the special features of the Lake Neusiedl region and the duties of the night watchman. Discover the mystery of nocturnal Pannonia. In the process, the old squares and houses tell us their exciting and thrilling stories. Individual appointments for groups possible all year round! Duration: approx. 1.5 hrs. Meeting point: 20:30 hrs Tourist Office Mörbisch, Hauptstraße 23, 7072 Mörbisch Cost: 12.00 EUR/adults / 10.00 EUR with the Burgenland Card - children up to 15 years free. Registration required at or 0650/223 07 33! Minimum number of participants: 12 adults

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