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Tree climbing Stegersbach


moderate rain

10° / 16°

8 %
Wind speed
5 km/h
  • Saturdaypartly cloudy

    9° / 22°

  • Sundaymainly clear

    9° / 23°

  • Mondaymainly clear

    10° / 25°

The high ropes course stegerspark was designed as close to nature as possible to offer visitors not only a climbing experience, but above all a nature experience!

Certified trainers are available to instruct each participant and provide the necessary know-how to independently master the entire park. The visitor is not bound to a fixed order. Everyone walks through the park at their own pace and thus also determines the level of difficulty individually.

The high ropes course has a double self-securing system to ensure a safe course for the visitors. It is recommended to go in teams of 2. Apart from motivation and good shoes, no special previous knowledge is required.

Children from 6 years and a body height of 125 cm can pursue their climbing enthusiasm in company of an adult. Young people under 16 years of age need a written declaration of consent from their legal guardian.

The current opening hours can be found on the homepage:

Burgenland Card
Bonus Partner | 01.03.2024 - 31.10.2024

15 % discount on the entry fee with the Burgenland Card.

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