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Wallner wine tavern

Deutsch Schützen


-5° / 3°

2 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Sundaycloudy

    -6° / 1°

  • Mondaymainly cloudy

    -6° / 2°

  • Tuesdaymainly clear

    -6° / 3°

In Deutsch Schützen, the center of Southern Burgenland, winemaker Gerhard Wallner has dedicated himself to the development of characteristic red wines.

A passion that the Wallner family has pursued for four generations. The characteristics of the terroir, a long growing season, and deliberately low yields.

The Buschenschank is the flagship of the winery, and the homemade strudels and salt sticks are truly a delight. Meat specialties and spreads are, of course, made in-house.

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