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restaurant "Nationalparkstüberl"


light rain

12° / 18°

8 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Saturdaymainly clear

    11° / 24°

  • Sundaymainly clear

    11° / 24°

  • Mondaymainly clear

    12° / 24°

Those who like it more down-to-earth and are present near the Lange Lacke northeast of Apetlon to go for a walk in the nature reserve, can strengthen themselves afterwards in the National Park Stüberl with regional delicacies.The National Park Stüberl is located directly opposite the Lange Lacke, so it is ideal as a resting place before an exploratory tour or as a breather on a bike tour through the Seewinkel. Down-to-earth and regional dishes strengthen again for the onward journey. BIKE-BOX SMART RENTAL

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