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Culture Neusiedler See

Culture around Lake Neusiedl

The cultural treasures of Northern Burgenland are as diverse as the region itself. The colorful pro-gram offers lots of variety.

Once home to princes and the nobility, today the baroque castles of Northern Burgenland will take you on an exciting journey through time. Follow in the footsteps of Joseph Haydn in Eisenstadt, a man who shapes the state capital of Burgenland to this very day. Discover what was once typical everyday life in Burgenland at numerous museums covering various subjects, and at the galleries the local art scene has plenty to offer. But away from the well-known sights, there are also undis-covered places that are well worth a visit.

Think you’ve seen all of Burgenland? We’ll prove you wrong!

Follow in the footsteps of nobility

Palaces around Lake Neusiedl

Today visitors can embark on a journey through time where great personalities once lived and worked. The baroque palaces of Northern Burgenland are some of the most important cultural landmarks in the region. While Joseph Haydn created musical works at Esterházy Palace, Empress Maria Theresa enjoyed spending her free time at her hunting residence Halbturn Palace. Prince László Batthyány-Strattmann moved into Kittsee Castle at the end of the 19th century where he treated patients for free and went down in the history books as the “doctor of the poor”. All of the palaces have mag-nificent gardens which are ideal for royally relaxing walks all year round.

Each of these places has its own exciting story to tell. Are you ready to travel through time to the Burgenland of yesteryear?

Exciting discoveries

Museums around Lake Neusiedl

There is always something new for explorers in Northern Burgenland. Whether it is a glimpse into the past or contemporary art: Everyone will find something suitable.
Stroll through the Burgenland of yesteryear at the village museum in Mönchhof, galleries exhibit selected collections and memorials remember important historical events. The past and present are equally alive here with expert guided tours opening up new horizons time and again. With changing exhibitions and different thematic focuses, there is always something for culture lovers to uncover. Modern exhibits are combined with valuable historical art collections for a unique experi-ence with awe-inspiring settings offering space for contemporary art. 
Do you want to discover the many sides of Burgenland? All museum doors are open to you!

Extraordinary places

The unexpected around Lake Neusiedl

There is no need to worry if you lose your way in Burgenland. Extraordinary sites are hiding every-where. The unexpected often turns out to be very exciting. Today, places shaped by everyday culture such as the Mörbischer Hofgassen, historic Kellergassen (wine cellar alleys) or the romantic old town of Rust are still places for meeting just as they were in the past. In Podersdorf, you can see the last fully preserved windmill in Northern Burgenland, and in Purbach you can discover history that goes back as far as the Turkish Wars. Places like the Bridge of Andau or the site of the Pan-European Picnic where the Iron Curtain long divided Europe are moving experiences. And where trade once flourished on the Amber Road of the Roman Empire, you can today visit excavations of magnificent palace ruins.
Take a step into the unknown and discover the hidden sights of Northern Burgenland.

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