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Wine tavern Konrad

Neuberg im Burgenland


-5° / 2°

7 %
Wind speed
5 km/h
  • Mondaymainly cloudy

    -4° / 2°

  • Tuesdaymainly clear

    -6° / 4°

  • Wednesdaymainly clear

    -5° / 5°

The Konrad family shares a joy. A joy that offers a taste experience of freshly cured ham, a juicy pork roast, or a well-seasoned caraway roast. A joy that gifts us a refreshing splash or a berry-flavored Uhudler. A joy that arises when tasting a homemade, fruity schnapps. To be able to share all this at our Buschenschank in Southern Burgenland fills us with happiness, especially when we see that other people also want to enjoy the menu with friends and family. When the finished product, into which we have poured much heart and passion, also conveys joy to the visitors of the Buschenschank.

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