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Vulcano Schinkenwelt


At Vulcano, animal welfare is as important to us as the taste of our ham. Vulcano has soul.

This makes the ham one of the best in the world.

The noble-bred Vulcano pigs are kept in spacious stables and fed with feed from Austria or neighboring countries guaranteed GMO-free. The stables are roofed and offer plenty of run. Thus, the particularly heavy animals have enough space and everything they need to feel comfortable. They have deliberately gone from mass back to class, so that they can guarantee a natural and healthy growth of our animals.

mainly cloudy

9° / 17°

6 %
Wind speed
5 km/h
  • Thursdaylight rain

    11° / 13°

  • Fridaycloudy

    8° / 16°

  • Saturdaypartly cloudy

    10° / 20°

Burgenland Card
Service Partner | 01.03.2024 - 28.02.2025

Free guided tour "Ursprungstour" incl. tasting with the Burgenland Card.

Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Registration: via online reservation tool (at least 1 day in advance)

Fee without Burgenland Card: € 16,-

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