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Sauna Enjoyment

Healthy all year round

Sauna enjoyment with added sunshine

You probably already know that Burgenland has a wide range of thermal baths. But don’t forget that a visit to one of the saunas will leave you feeling healthy and relaxed in any season.

The sauna boosts your immune system, stimulates your circulation, directs blood flow to the skin, and improves your breathing. Spending time in a sauna can relieve headache problems, help with difficulties getting to sleep, and prevent sore muscles after exercising. The thermal baths of Burgenland have a sauna experience for everyone. An oasis of wellbeing with added sunshine, not only helping you to stay healthy, attractive, and fit, but also giving you valuable moments of relaxation and harmony.

We show you some of the positive effects of saunas. Effects that you can personally benefit from at one of the wonderful thermal baths in Burgenland. We wish you a pleasant sauna experience with added sunshine!

Stronger than ever
Boost your immune system

There’s more to Burgenland than just sunshine. A visit to one of the wonderful saunas at the local thermal baths holds so much potential. For your enjoyment of life and for your immune system too. Because a hot sauna boosts your body’s defenses in a different way. We breathe in hot air during a sauna session. This improves blood flow to our mucous membranes. The result: An increase in secretion. These secretions contain antibodies against pathogens. This is one of the reasons why saunas are good for the immune system. And the number of bacteria and cells that eliminate viruses in the blood also increases. Immune cells reach the small blood vessels of the mucous membranes faster. 

If you use saunas on a regular basis, the effects are even greater. The Burgenland sauna experience is a must, whatever the season! And if you do some exercise or a nice hike through the wonderful landscape first, it’s even better for your health.

Deeply effective
Relax and tone your muscles

The warmth of the sauna relieves muscle tension, opens up muscle fibers, offers you regeneration, and boosts performance - and not only in the major muscle groups, such as the arms and legs. Deep layers of tissue also benefit from these effects. This is precisely where tension - that is sometimes difficult to get rid of - is often found.

A sauna session promotes blood circulation, delivering more blood to the muscles, and supplying them with nutrients and minerals. This also helps build muscle cells. As the metabolism has been stimulated, toxins are excreted faster, and this too benefits the muscles. Using the sauna after exercise can also prevent muscle soreness. After experiencing one of the many saunas at the thermal baths in Burgenland, why not enjoy the benefits of a massage or spa treatment. Expert hands can work even better on warmed, relaxed tissue, alleviating muscular problems, whether large or small, or eliminating them completely.

Much more than hot air
Breathe freely!

Saunas can make a great difference to your lungs and breathing: Although the air in the sauna is thinner and contains less oxygen, you won’t get out of breath while enjoying the heat, as your body needs less O2 in the hot environment. As your muscles relax, there is less strain on the lungs. This helps you breathe deeper and easier. The mucous membranes work harder, the high air humidity caused by the condensation keeping them perfectly moist.

In a sauna, it’s better to breathe through your nose than your mouth. This cools the air as it enters your body. Your nose is a good yardstick: If the air feels too hot, move to a lower seating level. After a refreshing dip in the water and some wonderful Burgenland air, you’ll have a new lease of life. Some of the saunas at the thermal baths in Burgenland offer special programs for breathing and relaxation, a great way to further benefit from the positive effects of the sauna.

Burgenland is simply good for you
A sauna is sun for the soul

Studies have shown that saunas have a number of positive effects on our physical wellbeing. But that’s not all: It is probably our mental health that benefits most. And there are several reasons for this. On the one hand, the physical wellbeing helps us achieve a psychological balance, on the other hand, saunas boost our brain metabolism and that is extremely important for our feelings on a biochemical level. In addition, using saunas regularly helps with sleep problems and finding our inner balance. These effects are generally achieved during any season. Saunas provide relaxation all year round.

The thermal baths in Burgenland have a wide range of saunas – there is something for everyone here. Whether you are looking for peace and quiet or enjoy socializing: The combination of water, warmth, and wonderful landscapes all around has a lasting positive effect on your wellbeing. Relax, recharge your batteries, and treat your soul to some sunshine! 

A workout for circulation
New energy for body and mind

Many studies show that a sauna session has an extremely positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. The heat in the chamber makes the heart beat faster and harder. The arterioles, blood vessels that branch out from arteries, expand and then contract again when they cool down. This results in a wonderful circulation-boosting training effect, which can even help to permanently lower blood pressure.

This means saunas are also suitable for people with a common condition: High blood pressure. However, these people should avoid cooling down in the ice-cold plunge pool. It is better for them to cool down gently in lukewarm to warm water or by taking a walk in the fresh air. People with heart failure can also enjoy a sauna session, but they should opt for something other than the Finnish sauna: Organic saunas, steam baths and infrared cabins are good options in this case. Saunas can also be used by people suffering from varicose veins, though it is essential that they properly cool down afterwards.

The sauna areas at the thermal baths in Burgenland are all excellently equipped to offer your circulatory system a wide range of wonderful training opportunities. If you want to give your body a special fitness boost, do some exercise before the sauna session. Take a wonderful hike, for instance, or one of the special workout programs at the thermal baths. Whether you want to use the thermal bath’s own gym, try out a whole host of different sports courses, or do a lap of a nearby running and walking area, it’s best to check out the current activity program before your visit! 

Sweat yourself beautiful
Saunas are great for our skin

Saunas have an extremely positive impact on our skin’s appearance and health. While we relax and recharge our batteries in the Finnish sauna, steam bath, organic sauna, or one of the many other sauna experiences in the thermal baths of Burgenland, our skin is working at full speed. The heat improves blood circulation and the cells receive an optimal supply of important nutrients. Sweating supports the skin’s natural protective barrier, making it harder for harmful substances to enter the body. Recent studies have even shown that using saunas regularly improves the ability to retain moisture and reduces wrinkles. The temperature change caused by the cool down after the sauna session has a skin-tightening and refreshing effect.

After you’ve enjoyed the sauna, your skin absorbs lotions and creams particularly well. Make sure that your body has completely cooled down and you are no longer perspiring. If you want to treat your skin to something special, the thermal baths in Burgenland offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments and special beauty packages. A visit to one of the magnificent thermal baths in Burgenland will make a valuable contribution to your wellbeing and you’ll be looking even better than before.

Your skin deserves it. Relax and enjoy!

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